1:1 Device Program

Technology in the Classroom

Winthrop Primary School strives to maintain a technology rich school integrating technology into all curriculum areas to enhance teaching and learning.


Year 4, 5 & 6 students participate in the 1:1 Device Program using Apple iPads. Please click on the following link for a copy of the:

Winthrop PS BYOD iPad Program Parent Information Booklet


In 1:1 learning, students use their devices at school and home, allowing them to create, collaborate and connect; to extend their learning beyond the classroom. The Program aims to promote independent and flexible learning for life long learners.

The 1:1 Device Program is not compulsory and the school has a limited number of devices available for students who do not have a personal device. However these devices may not be the latest model and may not be taken home.


The BYOD iPad and accessories are the personal property of the student, parents/guardians. Winthrop Primary School does not accept responsibility for theft, loss or damage to the iPad and accessories whilst at school and recommend that insurance cover is taken out on the device.


iPad Specifications and Purchase


Students participating in the 1:1 Device Program will require access to an Apple iPad with the specifications detailed below:


Minimum specification for iPads in the 1:1 Device Program

  • Recommended 64GB or higher
  • Able to run the latest iPad operating system – iOS
  • No sim cards to be brought to school
  • 9.7″ screen or larger (no iPad mini devices)
  • Protective cover (we recommend a robust and protective cover such as Dux STM cases)


More information can be found in the Winthrop PS BYOD iPad Program Parent Information Booklet.


You are welcome to source your device from a vendor of your choice, use one you already own or elect not to participate in the program.

“Learn and Grow Together”

If choosing to purchase a new iPad for the Device Program, you may take advantage of discounted education pricing from external vendors, Winthrop Australia and JB HiFi, whose portal links appear below.

External Vendors Portals

Discounted education purchasing options are available through external providers. See links to portals for Winthrop Australia and JB HiFi:


Selecting accessories for student iPads is optional but may be considered. Keyboards/Apple pencil – please see the external vendors portals or external retailers for recommended brands.


Please consider the personal responsibility required when bringing iPad accessories into a school environment. The school will hold no responsibility for the loss or theft of personal belongings brought to school.

Internet Security

The school’s internet connection is filtered by the Department of Education, ensuring internet content is monitored and students use the internet under teacher direction. The students are also required to read and sign an Internet User Agreement – outlining their responsibilities as well as the potential risks of misusing the internet.

Internet & Digital Device User Agreement Year 3-6

Internet & Digital Device User Agreement Kindy to Year 2

Learn and Grow Together.