Cultural Action Network (CAN)

Cultural Action Network

In 2017, Winthrop Primary School began developing its first Reconciliation Action Plan.


A group of interested and enthusiastic teachers and parents formed what was then known as the schools’ R.A.P committee.


Our aim is to move our school along the path from being a culturally aware school to being a culturally responsive school. We are committed to growing our skills and knowledge to promote respect for the languages, histories, and cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) outlines the actions we are taking as a part of this. We acknowledge the support of Reconciliation Australia, SWALSC and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander friends of Winthrop Primary School, including Olman Walley and family, Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse, Jade Dolman and Marisa Verma. These individuals have assisted us with their knowledge and guidance on our continuing journey to Reconciliation.


In 2021, our team decided to change its name to the Cultural Action Network. Our school is one of the most diverse in the state including cultures from over 50 nations and so, the name change felt appropriate and more inclusive.


We work as a team, meeting twice a term, to research, plan, and act upon the cultural needs our school.


We follow the guidelines of the AITSL standards, the Cross Curricular Priorities, Aboriginal Cultural Standards Framework, and the WPS Reconciliation Action Plan.


New members always welcome.

“Learn and Grow Together”

Some of our projects include:

The Six Season's interactive walk

The Six Season’s interactive walk commenced in 2017 and was launched by Olman Walley in 2019.

Musical Soundscapes

Musical Soundscape created by Year 6 music students and accessible through QR codes.

Annual Harmony Week

Annual Harmony Week concerts are held in March including performances from our school community and local indigenous performers.

Staff education professional developments

Staff education professional developments with Boorloo Dreaming-Olman Walley and more recently Gina Williams and Guy Ghouse.

Scope and sequence plans

Year level scope and sequence plans-ideas for the classroom (2022).

``Kaya`` welcome totem

School “Kaya” welcome totem at front of school which has the word “welcome” from all the nations in our school.

Learn and Grow Together.