

Winthrop Primary engages in many environmental and sustainability programs. These include being a Waterwise and Wastewise school and participating in the Containers for Change scheme.


Our sustainability focus has seen the installation of solar panels on our buildings.


We have produce gardens where children discover how fruit and vegetables are grown, harvested, cooked and best of all, eaten.


Winthrop Primary initiatives:

  • Recycling program. All classrooms collect and recycle waste paper.
  • Garden projects.
  • Entering competitions that promote sustainability.
  • Monitoring electricity usage across the classrooms.

“Learn and Grow Together”

Our school participates in National School Clean-Up Day, collecting litter from the school grounds. The Recycling Station includes batteries, mobile phones, plastic bread bag clips, old pairs of glasses, ink cartridges, paper and cardboard, plastic bottles, plastic bottle tops, aluminium cans and coffee pods.


The students learn about waste, water, biodiversity, energy and air quality. We promote road safety and active travel to school, such as walking and riding.


We recycle food waste by worm farming and composting. Students learn about the benefits of worm farming and how to care for the worms. Students monitor taps for leaks and we use rainwater for watering the gardens.


Winthrop Primary School is committed to a whole-school approach to environmental education, of which waste minimisation, litter reduction and water wise practices play a vital role.

Learn and Grow Together.